Thank you so much for all of your prayers and responses regarding my last post. Rob and I have decided not to freeze any embryos. We have chosen to trust God with the 3 eggs that Dr. J chooses to try and fertilize and if all 3 fertilize or if none fertilize, we will just trust that God is letting His will be done(I have truly felt like God never gave me peace about freezing. I also believe that God may give others peace with that option, but it isn't His plan for us specifically). I believe that if God's will is to bless us with a baby this IVF cycle, then He really only needs one. Having more to work with really isn't going to change the outcome. I just have a really strong peace and trust right now, so please just pray that God continues to bless me with that.
Im a few days behind on blog reading but I am SO very excited that you have chosen IVF and have made a decision about freezing. I pray that God shows us just how wonderful he is during your IVF cycle, I will be praying for you!
Lindsey - It sounds like God has given you peach about your decision...so glad about that. I agree that each person makes the decision for themselves. I know we had quite a time making that decision. Good luck on your cycle!!
Like everybody else, I am so excited for you! I remember how hard those decisions were and how we just agonized over them. I am so glad God has given you peace. Isn't it such a great feeling!!! We didn't have any embryos frozen when we had the twins, so when we did the IVF for Maura they ended up freezing some. We agonized over how many to freeze with our first IVF, but with the second we didn't really think about it. Now we wish we had of. We probably still would have frozen some, just not quite so many. Not for sure why I told you that, but anyway. My heart is just bursting with joy for you both. I know the next couple months will be overwhelming so please know you will continue to be in my prayers. God is so Awesome!!!
I found your blog through another blog I read, we fought and dealt with infertility and several losses before we had our little boy and twin girls. I admire your faith when you talked about not freezing your embryo's it is a very hard decision to make. WE felt strongly that we should freeze. Our twins from our fresh cycle were lost early due to my bleeding issues. So all three of our children our frozrn embryo's and blastocysts. But several of our friends who struggle with In-vitro and have chosen IVF have not frozen and all have been blessed with children. May the Lord bless you that all goes well!! You can see our blog by e-mailing me at wendelton@gmail.com if you would like to.
Just found your blog and glad to hear you were able to find an answer. Gods plan is always perfect:)
My husband and I also struggled with the freezing issue. We are very pro-life and would of course freeze anything viable, but we didn't know if we even wanted to go there. We didn't want to create life and then put it in a position where the the life was in jeopardy with the whole freeze and thaw process. Well, after talking in length with our doctor we learned that the likelihood of embryos making it through the thaw was much, much greater than losing the embryos. After we prayed and talked about it we decided to give ourselves the best possible chance by fertilizing at least 15 of my eggs. After our egg retrieval we ended up with 17 mature eggs, and 15 of them were fertilized. The day of our retrieval turned out to be a disaster- unknown to us, my ovaries were bleeding, I passed out in our house and had to go to the ER and stay over night. We don't know what went wrong, but needless to say, our doctor would not allow us to do our transfer because my body was in NO shape to be pregnant. I was anemic and very swollen in my abdomen. We found out that we only ended up with 5 embryos, and our doctors had to have our consent to freeze them at Day 1. We had no choice. I had to have 3 periods before my doctor would let me begin the frozen embryo transfer regiment. FINALLY, our time came to thaw our embryos, and ALL of them made it through the thaw, praise the Lord! They all were looking good on Day 3, so we got to do a Day 5 transfer. We ended up transferring 1 blastocyst and 1 morula (almost a blast). Our other embryos didn't end up being viable, so we had nothing to freeze. But... we're 14 weeks pregnant with one little miracle! I say all of this to say that out of 15 of my eggs we only ended up with 1 blastocyst...and we're both only 26 years old (IVF due to male factor). Don't get me wrong, we are so thankful for this miracle that God has given us, but it's just something you should think about. Before we went through all of this we prayed that God would guide and direct us and that He would give us the amount of embryos that we were supposed to have. Although we would have loved to have had more embryos to use later we are also very thankful that we don't have more than we can handle. We really trusted that the Lord had given us our doctors and that their advice was good. I believe that we should give ourselves the best chance we can and not limit God or test him by only using 3 eggs. Can God do a miracle with only 3 eggs? Yes! But He has also given you a sound mind and wise doctors who are giving you good advice. Just something to think about. I hope this helps you. You can email me at any time at kelli@blushandbashfulbaby.com. God bless!
I'm so glad that you have peace and heard from God. We will wait in great anticipation to see His plan unfold.
Love ya!
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