Rob working on packing up the kitchen
Just a few of our things boxed up and ready to be moved
Wow! This month has been flying by! I can't believe that we are almost into July! We are closing on our house on June 29th, so we are moving into an apt this weekend. We have been so busy packing up and finalizing plans on our house that we are building. It seems like everything always happens at once!! So anyway we weren't really planning on any of this just two months ago, but decided to put our house up for sale and just see what happened. It sold in one day and then we decided to build a house since the interest rates are at a record low! This will be our house we will live in for a really long time. It is really exciting! We should be moving in by mid October. Until then it is apt living for us! I am kinda excited about just having a few months with less cleaning and no yardwork. I will enjoy just taking it easy the rest of the summer!...and hoping for some little embies to latch on and hold on for the long haul;)!!
Speaking of little embies....I had my first appt yesterday at Dr. J's office. I mainly just got some labs drawn and got some injection instructions. I am almost finished up with 3 weeks of birth control. I am going to be taking my last BCP on June 23rd and starting Lupron this Friday(June 19th). Then I have my "start cycle" appt on June 30th and will know more then. I most likely will start stimming on July 3rd and we are still looking at a mid July ER/ET. I haven't had lots of time to sit around and think about this because of all of the house stuff, which has been good for me. I am trying to just stay positive and take it one day at a time. :)